Meet Kent Visitor

Meet Kent Visitor

On a bright fall morning, while working away on new cards, we were delighted (and a little terrified) to see a black bear in our yard in Kent, Connecticut, the small town where Saturn Press is based. Blithely ambling along, the bear was no more than thirty feet from the house. 

Our new card - Kent Visitor - pays homage to this grand and fearsome creature, standing astride a snow covered clearing and looking optimistically toward the new year ahead. Black bears are as much a part of the Northwest Hills region of Connecticut as the hikers trekking the nearby Appalachian trail.

From the inception of Saturn Press, the Arts & Crafts movement has been a lodestar. We emphasize the beauty of nature and strive to elevate the simple greeting card through craftsmanship.

Although the real life Kent Visitor does not seek our company (and neither should we!), we believe they represent our values of resilience and strength as we strive to make the highest quality letterpress products. 

See Kent Visitor card

A black bear stands in front of a blue snowy background.  Who is this fellow? He's Kent Visitor of course...
